Maja Delak

May 15 at 8.30 pm
Venue: Cankarjev dom (Linhartova dvorana)

Duration: 90 minutes

The premiere of Serata artistica giovanile will take place one week before the IETM meeting. The basis of the work is defined in the following dramaturgical statement: “The starting point for Serata artistica giovanile, the new work by choreographer Maja Delak, is the expressionistic piano composition entitled Bagatelles, full of fragments and complex dynamics, by the Slovenian composer Marij Kogoj. In addition to Kogoj’s musical work, the piece is inspired by the avant-garde artist Ferdo Delak and his project Serata artistica giovanile, which Ferdo Delak understands as ‘a chorographical sketch of stage life.’ Through the prism of seven dynamic landscapes, the performers research ways of articulating physicality within the stain/noise of social and political contemporary themes and thus reveal a dynamic human figure that ceaselessly interacts and communicates with its environment. The dialogue between the live performance of Marij Kogoj’s music and the contemporary modulated resonances of the visual landscape creates a living picture where avant-garde ideas penetrate the contemporary body and become a manifest declaration of the moment.”

Choreography and direction: Maja Delak
Creation and performance: Matija Ferlin, Matej Kejžar, Jurij Konjar, Katja Kosi, Barbara Krajnc, Jelena Rusjan, Vlasta Veselko, Urška Vohar, Nataša Živković, Maja Delak
Concept: Maja Delak, Marko Peljhan, Katja Praznik
Dramaturgy: Katja Praznik
Visual design: Marko Peljhan
Sound design: Luka Prinčič
Pianist: Marjan Peternel
Original music: Marij Kogoj, Bagatelles
Costume design: Nadja Bedjanič
Executive producer: Sabina Potočki
Production assistant: Nina Janež
Production: Zavod EMANAT
Co-production: Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, zavod Projekt Atol Ljubljana




We reserve the right to possible programme alterations.